P.G. Department of English

Message From H.O.D

The Department of English of Sri Guru Teg Bahadur Khalsa College was established in 1968. Ever since its inception, the department has been working passionately for teaching this international language to the students belonging to rural areas. In the cradling days of the department, English was introduced in all undergraduate courses as a compulsory subject but with the passage of time, the department saw exceptional growth and courses of M.A English, Certificate Course in Spoken English and B.A. Honours. School in English were introduced.

The Department has been striving ardently to sharpen the written, spoken, reading and listening skills of the students. Instead of providing a dull classroom environment, the faculty members of the department mentor the students with interactive teaching techniques, which help the students to develop an analytical mindset rather than relying on sheer bookish knowledge. To keep the students abreast of the latest developments on the subject a well-equipped Language Lab has been established where the students learn the nuances of language through the audio-visual aids and enjoy the curriculum taught through these ultra modern modes of teaching. With the globalization, the world has shrunken into a small village. The internet has brought a revolution in all fields of knowledge and even literature could not remain untouched. Hence, the students are provided internet facility in the Language Lab where they can read the relevant study material as per their curriculum.

The Department conducts a number of academic as well as recreational activities on regular basis. Expert lectures, group discussions, seminars and study tours also form an important part of the curriculum. The purpose behind these activities is to develop adaptability among the students. In recent past, the department of English has organized one international conference on the topic of ‘Post-Colonial Literature’ and the resource persons from the eminent institutions of India gave an insight of the subject to the students of our department. The conference was largely attended by the research scholars from different states of India.

The unprecedented rise in the enrolment for various courses offered by the department reveal that the students from this financially backward area have started taking interest in the courses, curriculum and the interactive teaching offered by the department. Therefore, to develop the taste of literature among the students an ‘English Literary Society’ has been formed. This Literary Society organizes poetic recitation, essay writing, slogan writing, debates and elocution competitions and provides a platform to the students, which helps them to groom their personalities.

May I never refrain from righteous deeds.

The mission of Sri Guru Teg Bahadar Khalsa College, Anandpur Sahib is to provide the rural youth with educational opportunities enriched with high moral and ethical values along with the latest technology based knowledge so that students are well-fitted in the present-day volatile global scenario. The purpose is to achieve the emancipation of young minds.

1. To provide students with the market relevant, need specific and latest academic programs to enhance their professional competence.
2. To create conductive academic environment for the students so as to develop the best of skill for pursuing knowledge and involve and capable global citizens.
3. To provide the best of educational resources and essential infrastructure in order to convert them into confident and employable youth.
4. To involve students in such activities, services and experience which foster personal growth by inculcating ethical and human values in them.
5. To create value-based knowledge society.

Assistant Professor
M.A., M.Phil. , B.Ed, Ph.D
Assistant Professor
Assistant Professor
M.A. English, UGC-NET
Assistant Professor
M.A., M.Phil, Ph.D
Assistant Professor
M.Sc., B.Ed., M.A., Ph.D
Assistant Professor
MA, M.Phil, PhD
Assistant Professor
MA English
Assistant Professor
MA English, B,Ed
Assistant Professor
MA English, B,Ed
Assistant Professor
MA English
#Acitivity TypeTitle
1 Student Activities Online Literary Quiz on 29 January 2025
2 Student Activities Learn by earn activity 25 to 29 nov,2024
3 Student Activities Vocabulary enhancing activities nov 4 to 8 ,2024
4 Student Activities Literary Quiz report 08-10-2024
5 Student Activities Newspaper reading activity sep 23 to 27,2024
6 Student Activities Teachers Day celebration on 05-09-2024
7 Student Activities Debate Competition on 2 September 2024
8 Student Activities Visit to Old Age Home on 21 August 2024
9 Student Activities Dept. of English- MOU- Creative Writing Competition
10 Student Activities Literary Quiz 6.2.2024
11 Student Activities Visit to Book Fair 3.2.2024
12 Student Activities Literary Quiz Oct 4, 2023
13 Student Activities Debate, Declamation & Paper Reading Sept 12,2023
14 Student Activities Capacity Building Program on April 12, 2023
15 Student Activities To Acquaint a Poet (Paper Reading Competition) March 21, 2023
16 Student Activities Picture Mania on March 2 ,2023
17 Student Activities Inter College Literary Festival Feb 20, 2023
18 Student Activities Workshop on Human Rights on Feb, 14, 2023
19 Student Activities Literary quiz, Feb 6, 2023
20 Student Activities Visit to Old Age Home on October 12th 2022
21 Student Activities Debate, Elocution and Poetry Recitation Competitions, August 31, 2022
22 Student Activities EDUCATIONAL TOUR- April 29- May 2,2022
23 Student Activities Literary Competition March 8, 2022
24 Student Activities A Visit to Old Age Home, Oct-8-2021
25 Student Activities Paper Reading Competition, Sept-9-2021
26 Student Activities Paper Reading Competition on September 9,2021
27 Student Activities Essay & Caption Writing Competition March-8-2021
28 Student Activities Essay Writing Competition, Nov 16-2020
29 Student Activities Essay Writing Competition on November 16,2020
30 Student Activities Literary Competition on October 16,2019
31 Student Activities Report on Literary Competition, Oct 16-2019
32 Student Activities A Visit to an Old Age Home on September 9, 2019
33 Student Activities Visit to old Age Home Sept-9-2019
34 Student Activities Literary Competition on March 11,2019
35 Student Activities A Visit to Book Fair, Feb-25-2019
36 Student Activities A Visit to Book Fair on February 25,2019
37 Student Activities Educational Tour to Amritsar on February 4,2019
38 Student Activities Educational Tour, Feb-4-2019
39 Student Activities Literary Competition on September 22,2018
40 Student Activities Educational Tour to Kasauli on April 2,2018
41 Student Activities Poetry Recitation and Caption Writing Competition on March 12,2018
42 Student Activities Paper Reading and Essay Writing Competition on March 8,2018
43 Student Activities Paper Reading Competition on March 27,2017
44 Student Activities Elocution Competition on September 8,2016
1 Dr. Gurpreet KaurAssistant Professor9876665765gurpreet0697@gmail.com